Originally posted February 17, 2020
It’s an overcast Saturday morning here in Toronto and I found myself catching up on some Spurs reading and an on Project Spurs caught my attention - We’re In A Weird Timeline With The 2018 San Antonio Spurs.
Indeed, it has been a weird season for the San Antonio spurs and their fans. Despite Kawhi Leonard being out, there were many things to be excited about as the season got underway. Following a heart-to-heart with Pop LaMarcus Aldridge returned to his old form, Manu had apparently found the fountain of youth, Danny dribbles became a thing, Tony Parker returned earlier than expect from his surgery and the young guys, particularly Kyle Anderson and Bryn Forbes, were making the most of their extended minutes.
Alas, as the season moved along Leonard briefly returned and the Spurs struggled to keep their rhythm while integrating him back into the lineup, Leonard was eventually shut down again, Rudy Gay joined Leonard as a regular on the injury list and they seemed to be joined by at least 2-3 other Spurs on a regular basis. Oh, and the Spurs schedule has become remarkably harder. While the Spurs keep competing (they are still third overall in the West after all), one has to admit that this season has been hard to take at times.
This brings me back to one of the foundations of the Spurs - the Pounding the Rock quote by Jacob Riis. You can call it hokey but I take comfort in this quote as a Spurs fan and it also motivates me personally. Things may not be always be working out ones own life but if you keep pounding the rock, if you persevere, you will come out on the other end in a better place. I like to believe, the same holds true for the Spurs and their fans this season. While it has been a rocky ride, the Spurs keep pounding the rock. It they can do it, we can too.
When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before. - Jacob Riis