Originally posted March 3, 2018
OMG - found these on the Spurs official online store today... how I am I only seeing them now! The 210 Teal version is easily my favourite, although the silhouette of the Alamo in fiesta colours on the underside of the bill on the white fiesta snapback is pretty sick. I will definitely be visiting the Spurs Shop at the AT&T Center to track these down when the Spurs in the 6 boys visit San Antonio over March break.
Celebrate the San Antonio Spurs and the City's Fiesta traditions with this exclusive Fan Shop offering from Zephyr. We sat down with the Zephyr design team to build out an exclusive San Antonio collection available only at the Spurs Fan Shop. This hat features the classic flat bill snapback style in white and teal with an embroidered Spurs Fiesta logo. The under side of the bill features the silhouette of the Alamo Mission in bold Fiesta colours. This is a unique San Antonio flavoured option and it is only available here.
Honoring the tradition of Hoops in Alamo City! This Fan Shop exclusive from our collaboration with Zephyr Hats pays homage to two San Antonio icons, the Alamo Mission and Spurs basketball. The traditional snapback features a flat brim with black body and teal highlights. The "Alamo City" embroidered script gracefully intertwines with the Spur logo and the Alamo silhouette. This exclusive offering from our San Antonio Collection is available only at the Spurs Fan Shop.
The 210 area code encompasses the City of San Antonio and has come to be a representation of the city, the team and the culture. This snapback from the exclusive Zephyr San Antonio Collection features 210 across the front with the San Antonio skyline super imposed in the background against a fiesta colored sky. The hat has a flat brim and comes in teal with black highlights. This exclusive offering from our San Antonio Collection is available only at the Spurs Fan Shop.
Alamo City, home of the Alamo Mission and the San Antonio Spurs. This hat pays homage to 2 of the best things in Texas. Featuring a classic trucker style profile with curved bill and mesh back, this cap comes in teal and warm grey. The Spur logo jumps out from the State of Texas and the Alamo silhouette is printed in teal on the side. This exclusive offering from our San Antonio Collection is available only at the Spurs Fan Shop.